'ma se noi ci diam da fare, si può rimodernare!'

regolamento sezione 'factory'.

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  1.     +3    


    haven, maine.

    Benvenuti, signore e signori, nella Fabbrica di Cioccolato di Panda Wonka... oh, no, aspettate un attimo. Ricominciamo perchè non era proprio così che doveva andare l'introduzione.
    Andiamo con ordine, che ne dite?
    che cos'è la codes factory?
    Molto in sintesi questa è una sezione dove ho raccolto un bel po' di vecchi codici che ormai non uso più perchè o troppo semplici o non più di moda. Esattamente come potrebbe capitare ad un bel paio di jeans che per i motivi più disparati non ci stanno o non ci garbano più, ho deciso di 'donare' questi codici anzichè cestinarli del tutto. Ho pensato che, così come esistono artisti in grado di trasformare abiti vecchi in nuove meravigliose creazioni, anche voi potreste dar nuova vita ai miei codici, no?
    stai dicendo che possiamo mettere mano ai tuoi codici?
    ESATTO! I codici presenti in questa sezione - solo ed esclusivamente quelli che trovate qui dentro - possono esser prelevati e modificati a vostro piacere! Diciamo che sono delle 'basi' da cui partire e che potete rivoluzionare come più vi pare e piace! Aggiungere immagini, cambiare i colori e i font, inserire pattern... avete assolutamente carta bianca su tutte le modifiche da apportare!
    Certo che, se partite da un codice role, mi aspetto che rimaniate in tema... non avrebbe molto senso usarlo come scheda, o viceversa no? Ma essendo liberi di fare come preferite, io non metto paletti nè limitazioni! Confido nella fantasia e nella bravura di ciascuno di voi, so che farete grandi cose come Mulan. Volendo, anche i più inesperti potrebbero usarli come esercizi per giocare un po' con html e css dal momento che la maggior parte di questi codici sono veramente basilari, cosine che io stessa ho creato quando ero ancora una novellina nel campo, anni e anni or sono #sovecchiaormai

    Infine, mi piacerebbe moltissimo vedere ciò che creerete utilizzando questi codici!
    Quindi, se vi va, potete lasciare qui sotto un link alla pagina o un'anteprima statica del codice che avete realizzato usando le mie basi :<<3:
    cosa dobbiamo fare quindi?
    Beh, prelevare i codici e divertirvi, naturalmente! Sarebbe carino se lasciaste anche un commento in questo topic segnalando il codice preso e, come già detto, l'outcome che avete ottenuto, ma la cosa non è necessaria e del tutto a vostra discrezione.
    devo inserire credits particolari nel codice?
    Non necessariamente. Essendo dei codici molto 'semplici' e fatti oramai anni e anni or' sono, non vi chiedo obbligatoriamente dei credits ma se volete comunque lasciare un link che rimandi alla sezione o al portfolio o al mio profilo non lo disprezzerò di certo! ♥

    E con questo, miei cari, vi lascio alla sezione factory e ai codicini che non aspettano altro se non il vostro genio creativo per risorgere e tornare in forma *winkwink* Have fun!

    Edited by greywaren - 25/8/2020, 18:15
  2.     +1    

    Advanced Member


    Vi giuro che di solito sono più intelligente e spero di aver capito bene (rispondo qui vero? *inserire occhioni dolci* )
    Mi serviva un codice scheda, ma sono pirla forte purtroppo e il mio senso aestetic(?) rompeva quindi, complice ansia pre esami, ho provato a modificare esto codice e mi è uscito fuori esto obbrobrio allego oggetto
    SPOILER (click to view)
    nome sec.nome cognome # altro

    This is an emergency. So are you listening? And I can't pretend that I don't see this, it's really not your fault when no one cares to talk about it. [To talk about it] Cause I've seen love die way too many times, when it deserved to be alive. I've seen you cry, way too many times when you deserved to be alive. So you give up every chance you get just to feel new again. I think we have an emergency, I think we have an emergency. If you thought I'd leave, then you were wrong 'cause I won't stop holding on. So are you listening? So are you watching me? If you thought I'd leave, then you were wrong 'cause I won't stop holding on. This is an emergency. So are you listening?
    This is an emergency. So are you listening? And I can't pretend that I don't see this, it's really not your fault when no one cares to talk about it. [To talk about it] Cause I've seen love die way too many times, when it deserved to be alive. I've seen you cry, way too many times when you deserved to be alive. So you give up every chance you get just to feel new again. I think we have an emergency, I think we have an emergency. If you thought I'd leave, then you were wrong 'cause I won't stop holding on. So are you listening? So are you watching me? If you thought I'd leave, then you were wrong 'cause I won't stop holding on. This is an emergency. So are you listening?

    FisicoThis is an emergency. So are you listening? And I can't pretend that I don't see this, it's really not your fault when no one cares to talk about it. [To talk about it] Cause I've seen love die way too many times, when it deserved to be alive. I've seen you cry, way too many times when you deserved to be alive. So you give up every chance you get just to feel new again. I think we have an emergency, I think we have an emergency. If you thought I'd leave, then you were wrong 'cause I won't stop holding on. So are you listening? So are you watching me? If you thought I'd leave, then you were wrong 'cause I won't stop holding on. This is an emergency. So are you listening?
    Segni particolariThis is an emergency. So are you listening? And I can't pretend that I don't see this, it's really not your fault when no one cares to talk about it. [To talk about it] Cause I've seen love die way too many times, when it deserved to be alive. I've seen you cry, way too many times when you deserved to be alive. So you give up every chance you get just to feel new again. I think we have an emergency, I think we have an emergency. If you thought I'd leave, then you were wrong 'cause I won't stop holding on. So are you listening? So are you watching me? If you thought I'd leave, then you were wrong 'cause I won't stop holding on. This is an emergency. So are you listening?
    PsicheThis is an emergency. So are you listening? And I can't pretend that I don't see this, it's really not your fault when no one cares to talk about it. [To talk about it] Cause I've seen love die way too many times, when it deserved to be alive. I've seen you cry, way too many times when you deserved to be alive. So you give up every chance you get just to feel new again. I think we have an emergency, I think we have an emergency. If you thought I'd leave, then you were wrong 'cause I won't stop holding on. So are you listening? So are you watching me? If you thought I'd leave, then you were wrong 'cause I won't stop holding on. This is an emergency. So are you listening?
    This is an emergency. So are you listening? And I can't pretend that I don't see this, it's really not your fault when no one cares to talk about it. [To talk about it] Cause I've seen love die way too many times, when it deserved to be alive. I've seen you cry, way too many times when you deserved to be alive. So you give up every chance you get just to feel new again. I think we have an emergency, I think we have an emergency. If you thought I'd leave, then you were wrong 'cause I won't stop holding on. So are you listening? So are you watching me? If you thought I'd leave, then you were wrong 'cause I won't stop holding on. This is an emergency. So are you listening?

    → 00.00.0000 born
    → 0000
    → 0000
    → 0000
    → 0000
    → 0000
    → 0000
    → 0000
    → 0000
    → 0000
    I think we have an emergency, I think we have an emergency. If you thought I'd leave, then you were wrong 'cause I won't stop holding on. So are you listening? So are you watching me? If you thought I'd leave, then you were wrong 'cause I won't stop holding on. This is an emergency. So are you listening? And I can't pretend that I don't see this, it's really not your fault when no one cares to talk about it. [To talk about it] Cause I've seen love die way too many times, when it deserved to be alive. I've seen you cry, way too many times when you deserved to be alive. So you give up every chance you get just to feel new again. I think we have an emergency, I think we have an emergency. If you thought I'd leave, then you were wrong 'cause I won't stop holding on. So are you listening? So are you watching me? If you thought I'd leave, then you were wrong 'cause I won't stop holding on. This is an emergency. So are you listening? I think we have an emergency, I think we have an emergency. If you thought I'd leave, then you were wrong 'cause I won't stop holding on. So are you listening? So are you watching me? If you thought I'd leave, then you were wrong 'cause I won't stop holding on. This is an emergency. So are you listening? And I can't pretend that I don't see this, it's really not your fault when no one cares to talk about it. [To talk about it] Cause I've seen love die way too many times, when it deserved to be alive. I've seen you cry, way too many times when you deserved to be alive. So you give up every chance you get just to feel new again. I think we have an emergency, I think we have an emergency. If you thought I'd leave, then you were wrong 'cause I won't stop holding on. So are you listening? So are you watching me? If you thought I'd leave, then you were wrong 'cause I won't stop holding on. This is an emergency. So are you listening? I think we have an emergency, I think we have an emergency. If you thought I'd leave, then you were wrong 'cause I won't stop holding on. So are you listening? So are you watching me? If you thought I'd leave, then you were wrong 'cause I won't stop holding on. This is an emergency. So are you listening? And I can't pretend that I don't see this, it's really not your fault when no one cares to talk about it. [To talk about it] Cause I've seen love die way too many times, when it deserved to be alive. I've seen you cry, way too many times when you deserved to be alive. So you give up every chance you get just to feel new again. I think we have an emergency, I think we have an emergency. If you thought I'd leave, then you were wrong 'cause I won't stop holding on. So are you listening? So are you watching me? If you thought I'd leave, then you were wrong 'cause I won't stop holding on. This is an emergency. So are you listening? I think we have an emergency, I think we have an emergency. If you thought I'd leave, then you were wrong 'cause I won't stop holding on. So are you listening? So are you watching me? If you thought I'd leave, then you were wrong 'cause I won't stop holding on. This is an emergency. So are you listening? And I can't pretend that I don't see this, it's really not your fault when no one cares to talk about it. [To talk about it] Cause I've seen love die way too many times, when it deserved to be alive. I've seen you cry, way too many times when you deserved to be alive. So you give up every chance you get just to feel new again. I think we have an emergency, I think we have an emergency. If you thought I'd leave, then you were wrong 'cause I won't stop holding on. So are you listening? So are you watching me? If you thought I'd leave, then you were wrong 'cause I won't stop holding on. This is an emergency. So are you listening?

    quote quote
    quote quote
    quote quote

    ♦ Nome e cognome
    ♦ Età e luogo di nascita
    ♦ Orientamento sessuale
    ♦ Stato civile
    ♦ Lavoro
    ♦ Famiglia

    ©panda & Blue- starring: NOMEVIP - I do not own any of the images

    Non fucilatemi please che ci sta già pensando il piccione di mia sorella a tormentarmi t.t

    Edited by Blue« - 1/9/2020, 17:10
  3.     +1    


    haven, maine.

    AWWWW çç il primo codice rinato dalla codesfactory! MI COMMUOVO!!!
    E CHE CARINO!!!! Se posso dare solo un piccolissimo consiglio, giustifica il testo dei due campi :huh: per il resto, davvero, è un sacco carino e mi piace le vibes che manda. E poi ROBBE. Ma quanto è cucciolino patatino ciccino? :<3:

    Ps: comunque non hai sbagliato hihihi hai fatto bene a scrivere in questo topic e, anzi, grazie per aver condiviso la tua creazione ♥

    Advanced Member


    Grazie mille 🙈 e shi 😍 troppo cucciolo lui
    In che senso giustificare? O.O
  5.     +1    


    haven, maine.

    L'allineamento del testo; anziché a sinistra, averlo tutto 'paro' con "text-align: justify" (; ma davvero, è più uma cosa mia (mi sembra più ordinato, il testo, quando viene giustificato) quindi puoi ignorarla ahaha

    Advanced Member


    No hai ragione 😍 molto meglio, grazieee ^^
  7.     +1    


    haven, maine.

    Pregoooo :<<3:

    Advanced Member


    Ho utilizzato questo code come base per un "codice lettera" qui<3 Grazie! (E ho lasciato i credits, comunque!)



    Ciao, premetto che non ho ancora utilizzato i tuoi codici (sono approdata qui proprio grazie ad uno di loro).
    Penso che una persona che mette così generosamente a disposizione il proprio lavoro vada come minimo salutata e ringraziata.
    Grafica stupenda, a proposito.

    A presto,
8 replies since 6/4/2020, 15:47   176 views